Go Trekking!
Put your boots on, grab your pack, pick up your map and head to the hills!
We’ve organised Go Trekking around 4 themes – GHT Nepal long treks, GHT Nepal short treks, GHT Bhutan treks and GHT India treks. By far the most popular is the GHT Nepal High Route Trek, but all of the others get some action too!
If you have any questions about logistics, timing, seasonality, finding a trekking company, etc please feel free to Get in Touch.
The GHT crosses the Entire Himalaya from Arunachal Pradesh, across Bhutan, Sikkim, Nepal and northwest India to Pakistan
GHT Bhutan Treks
All the information you need to trek in east, central and west Bhutan… or the whole GHT Bhutan in one go!
GHT Nepal Treks
Discover the GHT Nepal High Route, amazing mountains, remote communities, and much more.
GHT Nepal Short Treks
All the trails in and around the most famous mountains, plus some hidden gems as well.
GHT India Treks
Few people trek the remote areas of the India Himalaya, and here’s plenty of trails to enjoy.